Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay on Campaign Finance Issues - 2167 Words

GENERAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;We are not a democracy, yet we do have a voice in our own government. Elections are the choice microphones for many citizens. There on Election Day, they have the right of making their voices heard; however, many interest groups and a few individuals seem to have a louder voice due to campaign financing: No U.S. official should be beholden to one or a few groups. And no group or individual should have a greater claim on our elected leaders than any other. That’s the way it should work. But it is growing clear to more and more Americans that it doesn’t (McCarthy 24). Recently, it has been the trend to try to make sure the opinions and concerns of minorities are duly noted and†¦show more content†¦Money is the most degrading, corrupting force in American politics today (McCarthy xi). The idea behind fundraising for elections was a success at first, giving donors another way to voice their opinions and open up the doors for communication once the elected officials fully realized who they owed their position to. However, this went too far. Those whose candidate did not win were left with an official who will accept the ideas of a past donor before any others. This favoritism, while beneficial to certain donors, proves damaging to others. Also, when before, all donated and spoke their mind, now only certain groups and people donate and not even all of them speak their mind. â€Å"The individual doesn’t count anymore†(McCarthy 25). THE HYPOTHESIS nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Now that I have given about three pages of background information on the political processes, now would be a good time to introduce my Representative. Ken Bentsen represents the 25TH District of Texas. He is a democrat and has served as representative since 1991. I actually have a few theories regarding the reasons he voted the way he did and why certain groups financially supported his campaign. Scholars for thousands of years have pondered the question of whether it was the chicken or the egg, which came first. In the case of campaigning and finance, such seems to be the question. Because voters had the opportunity of watching his career before 1996, it’s practically impossible to be able to tellShow MoreRelatedAmeric The People, For The Corporations1738 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Corporations I. Introduction Corporate money in politics has become an increasingly prominent issue in the political spectrum of the United States after the 2010 Citizens United Supreme Court decision which lifted the cap on political contributions from corporations, thus increasing the influence companies have on the US electoral process (Shekar 71). 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Imperialism is when a mother nation takes over another...

Imperialism is when a mother nation takes over another nation and become its colony for political, social, and economical reasons. Imperialism is a progressive force for both the oppressors (mother country) and the oppressed (colony), majorly occurring during the late 19th and early 20th century. It had more negative effects than positive effects due to its domination to other nations. Documents 1 and 5 show how imperialism should work over politics and their benefits over the colonies while documents 2 and 7 show some beneficial effects of imperialism for the colonies. Documents 3, 8, 10, and 12 are different from the other documents in that they show the unfair way that the Englishmen treated their colonies, which can be described as†¦show more content†¦They were tricked by the mother country, they had no freedom, they were exploited and were taken advantage of, and they had to do just as told, just like as shown in document 12. In document 4, another negative effect is s een. In this quote, the author Roger Casement, who was an Irish nationalist who was later executed for treason, talks about how the whites came and killed the innocent, which later on had many negative effects on the people of Africa. Document 6 describes the â€Å"Britons racism† and power by saying that the white race from Britain is the finest and most honorable race the world possesses. The last negative effect is illustrated on documents 9 and 11, which share a common idea that a nation can only be colonized for their better good. This is a negative effect of imperialism because just as shown on document 11, if the U.S has the right to hold onto the Philippines, then they are just imitating the basis of imperialism and can lead to an outcome similar to the one shown on document 9 â€Å"the white man’s burden†. Imperialism can’t be considered as a good cause and effect because, at first it may be seen as a positive effect, but in the long run, just li ke in this case, it ends becoming more of a negative effect. All Africans and Asians were exploited and were given no rights to do anything even thought the mother countries gave them modernShow MoreRelatedImperialism : The Age Of New Imperialism1048 Words   |  5 PagesImperialism is defined as a strong economic and political empire takes over a weaker economic and political empire. Stronger empires conquered weaker empires to industrialize the land and to weaken other threating empires. To build a strong empire, a nation must use their military power to conquer a weaker nation, take the supplies and goods to support the mother nation, and use the supplies and goods to benefit your own empire by conquering even more empires. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Core Elements in Business Process Managment Free Essays

Learner Log Book LLB Learner Log Book LLB |I. INSTRUCTIONS | The purpose of the Learner’s Log Book (LLB) is to document the achievements of the learner in a central repository that will be considered as evidence on the effectiveness of the learning process. It is a ‘monitoring tool’ that e-tutors use to report on individual learners’ progress and it is a way of ensuring that learners: Are engaged in their learning process. We will write a custom essay sample on Core Elements in Business Process Managment or any similar topic only for you Order Now They are experimenting by doing the tasks subscribed to them by the e-tutor. Avoid plagiarism because learners have to be engaged on a continuous basis and the informal assessment can therefore be used to ensure consistency with the main formal assessment. Provide e-Tutors with the opportunity to get to know the learners evaluate them and mentor them properly. There are templates which will reflect whether learners read, whether they understand, whether they assimilate the knowledge, whether they develop enquiry ability, whether they have the potential to conduct critical thinking and whether they can reflect on the knowledge accumulated by relating to real situations. The onus is mainly on learners to furnish the required information in the templates after each unit based on the Read and Analyze Activity. After filling the information in the template they need to e-mail it back to the e-Tutor. e-Tutor will then comments on the work done and the involvement that takes place and give overall impressions on the learners at the end of the module. |II. GENERAL INFORMATION | Learner Name: ID Number: Course Title: Business Process Management Article Title: Rosemann and Brocke Date of Submission: 19 Oct 2011, 2pm Date of Received Feedback: ———————————————— |III. SUMMARY (100-200 words) | Provide a summary in your own words on the article you requested to read and analyze in the following space. The article introduces a brief overview of the six core elements in business process management. Also, it states the reasons behind working hard to identify these core elements. A BPM framework that outlines the different elements of BPM is an essential guide for many purposes such as project and program management, vendor management, complexity management, standards management and strategy management. There is a need to identify the BPM framework because it can guide decision makers in all previously mentioned challenges. The BPM maturity models were used for the framework identification. However, Rosemann and de Bruin’s BPM maturity model was selected as the base for identifying the core elements because of some reasons. One of these reasons is that the model was applied in a number of organizations where it proved to be of practical relevance in real life projects. Finally, the six core elements and their subcomponents were identified. The critical BPM elements are strategic alignment, governance, methods, information technology, people and culture. BPM must be linked to the organizational strategy. It should establish clear responsibilities and guide decision making processes. BPM adapts a set of methods and IT solutions that supports activities along the process lifecycle like modeling, implementation, monitoring and improvement. People and culture as core elements include individuals as well as groups and their values and beliefs in regards to process-centered organization. |IV. CRITICAL ANALYSIS | This is the most important section in your analysis. To complete it successfully, the learner is to consider the following guiding steps: ? Present arguments coherently, supported by evidence and facts to substantiate on why you may take a particular stance and/ or position towards a particular approach whether against or in support of it; ? Where applicable, attempt to bridge the gap between the theory and conceptual work and the application under consideration. I believe that the identified BPM core elements are an essential tool for the organization success. BPM elements established a clear guide for decision makers seeking organizational excellence. I strongly agree that the performance of individuals and groups and the business processes must be linked to the organizational strategic goals. Process measures are necessary for continuous identifying, measuring and developing of the actual business processes performance. Process measures may clarify the organizational goals and facilitate changes towards better customer satisfaction. Furthermore, I believe that having a clear definition of roles and responsibilities is an essential success factor. This definition clearly states the critical tasks, what is expected from employees and groups, how to meet the expectations and how to improve the business. Therefore, it provides a linkage of process performance with strategic goals. I agree that methods and IT solutions must be part of the core elements. They provide essential tools and techniques that facilitate redesigning of the business processes in order to achieve performance improvement. Finally, culture has a strong impact on the business and its performance because cultural beliefs and values set the negotiation and communication style. People attitudes and behaviors may improve business processes and may delay the improvement. It depends on their willingness to adapt new changes. |V. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS | How could you apply the subject matter from the article in a real business case? The core elements must be applied in all business cases to enable improvement in the operative efficiency. This can be done by strongly linking the organizational goals with business performance. All job descriptions and duties must be defined in accordance to the organizational mission and goals. Ensure that governance is applied by providing each employee with a clear and specific definition of the activities, tasks and processes. Employees will be aware of what’s expected from them and how to meet the expectation by applying governance element. Apply methods and IT techniques to facilitate process modeling and analysis instead of using traditional methods. For example, oil and gas industries use HYSYS program to model the processing plant and simulate any future changes to study the change impact on the industry before implementing it in reality. This how IT implementation facilitates business processes. People whether individuals or groups play a vital role in organizational success. On-going training that aligns with the strategic goals must be provided to employees to enhance their skills and knowledge. Individuals must be encouraged to take responsibilities and be accountable for major tasks. This can be done by delegation of a major task of the leader to the employee where the employee will be responsible for delivering the desired outcomes. After delivering a major task in the desired results, the employee will gain confidence and willingness to lead in future jobs. People within one organization must adapt similar values and beliefs and must be linked to each other. Organizing communities and networks at work will help creating a culture. For example, having an organizational day out will facilitate communication among various people in the organization. |VI. LEARNING REFLECTIONS | What have you learnt? Identify the key learning points and the lessons learnt. Critical thinking is about the lessons learnt to be drawn from the analysis. BPM framework can serve many vital purposes such as project management, vendor management, complexity management, standards management and strategy management ? BPM framework comprehensively structures BPM as an organizational capability and not only as the execution of tasks in the process lifecycle ? BPM consists of six core elements that represent its success factors ? BPM core elements are strategic alignment, governance, methods, IT, people and culture ? BPM must be linked to the organizational strategies an d goals where all processes are designed in accordance to strategic priorities ? Governance defines clear responsibilities and focuses on the design of decision-making processes ? Methods and IT tools must be applied to facilitate process modeling, execution, monitoring, control, improvement and project management ? Human capital of the organization is an important factor for improving business processes |IX. e-TUTOR COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK | |Mark: | [pic][pic] How to cite Core Elements in Business Process Managment, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Relationship B/W Knowledge Management - Organization Learning And HRM

Introduction In this competitive business environment where every business organization is trying to attract the customers of each other, it becomes essential for these organizations to remain competitive by innovating new ideas and thoughts, so that value added products and services can be provided to the customers. The motive of such organization in providing value added services to their customers, require their employees to be quite effective in creating value in all the products and services offered by the organization (Judy 2003, pp.1-12). The knowledge and the skills of the employees are quite crucial for the business organization to remain competitive in this complex business environment. As such, it is essential that the employees should be provided with sufficient training on all the new dimensions that the organization is eyeing to explore in the near future. In upgrading the knowledge and skills of the employees, the role of HR manager of the organization is quite important. The HR ma nager of the organization has to develop policies that are essential to motivate employees in contributing their maximum effort towards the achievement of the organizational objectives. Apart from the role of HR manager and the employees of the organization, it is quite essential that the organization should be flexible enough in adjusting itself to any type of changes as per the requirement of business environment. The learning of the organization regarding the major changes in the business environment is quite crucial for its success, as it will enable it to effectively process the important information which results into better interpretation of such information and ultimately provides a framework to respond effectively both inside and outside the organization (Smith, Araujo and Burgoyne 1999, pp.3). This essay is basically concerned with the identification of relationship between Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning and HRM of the organization. In order to explore the r elationship between all these important aspects of the organization, a case based on my real experience at work will be analyzed deeply. This will be helpful in identifying the role of knowledge management, importance of organizational learning and HRM in the achievement of organizational goal. My Incident I have been working with AlRajhi Bank in Saudi Arabia over a long period of time. All the operations in the bank were performed manually without having any problem. But the recent advancement in the field of technology has necessitated certain kind of changes to be brought in the bank for the effective performance of all the functions. The increasing competition from the other major banks has compelled the AlRajhi bank to bring changes in the organization. Further, the customers of the bank are also expecting better and faster services which could only be possible by implementing latest technology in operation. The major problem that the bank is facing in bringing changes in the organization is the resistance from existing employees including me as well. The major reason behind resistance from my side including other major employees of the organization is that we all had a fear of job loss from such technological change by the management of the bank. The fear that I would not be able to perform effectively in the job has been the main reason for my resistance against the change as desired by management. In order to make such change to happen, the bank has made considerable effort such as; they have given assurance to employees that no one will loose jobs because of such change. They have also given assurance that all the employees will be given requisite training so that all of us could be able to perform effectively in our jobs. The training would be helpful in acquiring sufficient knowledge regarding the way in which all the functions of the bank can be performed effectively. The training process started after a certain period of time and it was quite helpful for me in enhancing my skills and knowledge. The training was helpful enough for all the employees of the organization in performing their function in the manner expected from them by the organization. Relationship between Knowledge Management, Organization Learning and HRM Learning of organization, Knowledge management and HRM are the important concepts that have a major impact on the overall effectiveness of the organization. Creation of value for the customer is regarded as one of the most important criteria for the success of an organization. In the process of value creation, there are two types of organizational learning that can take place. This includes exploratory learning and exploitative learning. Exploratory learning implies acquiring knowledge for the purpose of creating value for the customers which does not exist within the organization, whereas exploitative learning implies creating value for the customers by deepening existing knowledge. Both types of learning have different benefits and costs associated with them (KANG, MORRIS and SNELL 2007, pp.236-256). Organizations do not learn by themselves, rather they provide requisite environment to the employees who in turn perform as per the laid down structure in order to achieve organization al objective. In case of my incident at AlRajhi bank, all the employees have been provided with requisite structure in order to perform effectively. In addition to that, with the changing environment, AlRajhi bank has also identified that it needs to bring change within the organization so as to compete effectively with the competitors. Knowledge Management is another important concept that has vital importance for an organization to succeed. Knowledge management implies acquiring new knowledge that can be utilized for the overall benefit of the organization. The competitive business environment requires organizations to bring innovation in the product and services offered by them to their customers. It could only be possible by having knowledgeable employees in the organization. In this competitive scenario,knowledge is regarded as a source of competitive advantage (Nonanka 2007). Knowledge creation is essential for the creation of new products and services and the organization should also know the extent of knowledge of its employees, so that it can be utilized for the purpose of achieving competitive advantage. There are various ways through which knowledge can be increased and transferred to the overall good of the organization. One such way is to hire smart people and allow informal communication between them. Another such way is to provide them training on the necessary aspects that the organization think it to be essential for the employees to perform their functions effectively. In my case of AlRajhi bank, the bank also did the same thing with its employees. When it realizes that working on new technology would be a difficult task for its employees, it has decided to impart training to its employees so that they can effectively handle such technological change by enhancing their knowledge. An effective learning would ensure superior performance of the employee within the organization (Senge 1990). The HRM of the organization has an important role to play in the overall improvement of the employees knowledge. It is the HR manager that has the responsibility to recruit people that have the potential perform effectively. The strategies of the HR manager should be in co ordination with the organizational objective. This would ensure maximum possibility of the attainment of organizational o bjective, as the employees would be most aware of what is expected from them in the organization and try to perform accordingly. Thus the strategy as formulated by the HR manager determines the possibility of organizational success. HRM is an important function as it facilitates the learning for an individual in organization. As in case of AlRajhi bank, it is the HR of the organization that has organized the training of all the employees, so that they could be able to perform their roles effectively. This implies that the function of HRM is quite essential for the creation of knowledge that ultimately helps the organization in achieving its desired objectives. The relationship that exists between the organizational learning, knowledge management and HRM is positive as the organization assesses the change that is essential as per the changing environment and the HRM of the organization facilitates the employees with requisite knowledge that is essential for them in effectively handling the changing business environment. The relationship between HRM and organizational learning has also been proved by various studies in the past. It has been assessed by such studies that the HRM facilitates relational archetypes that provide support to organizational learning in achieving continuous growth (KANG, MORRIS and SNELL 2007, pp. 236-256). Conclusion Organizational learning, Knowledge management and HRM are the interrelated concepts as they all contribute towards the achievement of organizational goal. Organizations learn from the environment and adapt themselves quickly to such changing environment. This requires the HRM to frame policies that helps in knowledge creation within the organization and enables the employees to perform their functions in the most effective manner. The policies of the HRM should be in coordination with that of the organizational objective to attain the maximum possible benefits. From this discussion, it can be concluded that the all the function are interrelated to each other and are essential to be perform in a manner that helps in the attainment of the ultimate objective of the organization.